Stripper Sues Florida Over New Age Restrictions for Adult Workers

A Florida stripper has filed a lawsuit challenging the state’s new age restrictions for adult entertainment workers, claiming the regulations infringe on her constitutional rights.

The Lawsuit

Plaintiff’s Argument

The lawsuit, filed in federal court, asserts that the new law, which raises the minimum age for workers in adult entertainment establishments from 18 to 21, violates the First Amendment and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The plaintiff argues that the age restriction unfairly targets young adults who have chosen to work in the adult entertainment industry.

Legal Representation

Represented by attorney Gary Edinger, the plaintiff contends that the law is an overreach by the state and an unnecessary restriction on personal freedom. “This is about adults making choices for themselves and not having the government impose arbitrary restrictions on their livelihoods,” Edinger said.

State’s Position

Governor’s Statement

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed the new age restriction into law earlier this year, citing concerns about human trafficking and exploitation in the adult entertainment industry. “We are committed to protecting our young people from entering potentially harmful environments,” DeSantis stated during the bill signing.

Legislative Support

The legislation received strong support from both state lawmakers and advocacy groups who believe the age increase is a necessary step to safeguard younger individuals from the risks associated with adult entertainment work.

Impact on the Industry

Business Owners’ Concerns

Owners of adult entertainment venues have expressed concerns over the impact of the new law on their businesses. Many argue that the age restriction will lead to a shortage of workers and could potentially drive the industry underground, where regulations and protections are weaker.

Workers’ Perspective

For workers like the plaintiff, the new law represents a significant barrier to their chosen profession. “I have been working in this industry since I was 18, and now, suddenly, I am being told I can’t continue,” the plaintiff said. “This is my livelihood, and I have the right to choose how I earn a living.”

Legal Precedents

Similar Cases

The lawsuit could set a precedent for other states considering similar age restrictions. Legal experts will be watching closely to see how the courts handle the constitutional arguments presented in this case.

Potential Outcomes

If the court rules in favor of the plaintiff, it could lead to a reevaluation of age-related regulations in the adult entertainment industry across the country. Conversely, a ruling in favor of the state could embolden other states to implement similar restrictions.


The outcome of this lawsuit will have significant implications for the adult entertainment industry and for the rights of young adults in the workforce. As the legal battle unfolds, both sides remain steadfast in their positions, highlighting the ongoing debate over personal freedom and state regulation.

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